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Post 8: A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

In this year, 2020, I have 7 subjects. In general, I like all the topics that we are studying in this semester, but I especially like the course called Remote Sensing. The things that we have been studying are focused on vegetal analysis, for example, the contrast of different vegetation cover, forests fires, among other things. The analysis consists on the download of satellite images, and there are many satellites, but the ones that we are using are Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2. In classes, we have a part of theory and the other part is about practice, on the last one, we use the software of "R" by the program "Rstudio", where we make the analysis, and also the software "Qgis" , where we work with the images and maps of the study's area. I like this subject, because we study about the difference between ecosystems, forest, territories and also we can study about how the human could impact in the environment.

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