Post 5: A photograph I like

Through all my life, I was always a fan of photograph. I'm always takings pictures to the landscapes everyday, also to my family, my dog and myself, but I have to say that the photo that I like the most is the picture down below. This photo was taken by my grandmother, who was Inés, she passed away last year. There, I was with my grandfather, who was Luis, who passed away too in year 2017, and by his side, it's me, a baby Constanza of 11 months. We were at an acuatic park in Santiago of Chile in the year 2000 in summer. I like this photograph a lot, because it shows the love that my grandfather had for me, I was her "regalona", her little girl, it reminds me the days that I stayed in his house in Maipú. My "Nené" always had a great heart, she cared for me, she loved me, and she educated me the most that she could.
