Post 7: An Expert on your Filed

Since I started with my career in renewable natural resourches engieenering, that I'm always searching for information about news, investigations, post, and studies about the enviornment. For that reason that I chose for this semester the course of Human Dimension of the global changes, and there, I met my teacher Paulina Aldunce. She is a social scientist and studied agronomy engeeniering at the University of Chile and by now, she is part of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources of my university, she was the first woman on the department of my career. Nowdays she is still being the only woman there. Also, she is part of the centre for climate and resilience research CR2 and her research interests include the social and institutional dimension risk Management of Disaster Rient and Adaptation to Climate Change. I admire a lot her work because she represents all women that are renewable natural engineers. I would really like to be like her when I finish my career and be a great woman profesional woman profesional like she is.
